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classification of diuretics according to mode of action-

classification of diuretics according to mode of action

classification of diuretics according to mode of action

1-mechanical diuretics

ex:water(large amount)-normal saline-ringer solution
mode of action:cause hyderaemia which results in dilution blood Na Cl then osmotic pressure decreases and inhibits antidiuretic hormone ADH  ,water reabsorbtion decreases , in the final urination occurs till osmotic pressure sises again and ADH is secreted then stop diuresis.
therapiutic uses:in fever,sulphonamide toxicity.

2-carbonic anhydrase inhibitors


3-osmotic diuretics 

a-saline diuretics:ex:Na and K salts

mode of action:K+ excreted by tubular cells results in decrease H+ secretion , carbonate and bicarbonate not absorbed results in alkaline urine 

b-non saline diuretics

mode of action :glucose(hypertonic solution),concenterated in the blood above renal threshold ,this results in glucose escapes from tubular reabsorption.osmotic action retracting water , in the final diuresis occurs.
therapeutic use :in cardiac odema
note:K+ salts is the best in diuretics but it is contraindication in renal disorders because the kidney retention K+ and result in hyprkalemia which causes cardiac arrest.

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