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Anti parasitic drugs-

Anti parasitic drugs-

a)internal parasite 

b)external parasite

a)internal parasite


1-antinematodes (round worm)

2-anticestode (tape worm)

3-antitrematode (flukes)


1-blood protozoal drugs

2-tissue protozoal drugs


characteristics of ideal anthelemintics:

1-should have selective toxicity 
they should be very toxic to the selective parasite but should have little effect on the host tissue and the animal administrated.

2-they should have wide spectrum of activity.

3-they should not produce resistance to the parasite


5-easily to apply

6-not have unpleasant odor

7-rapidly excreted and not produce tissue residues

8-not interfere with host immunity

9-wide therapeutic index

note : 
vermifuge :drugs only paralyze the worm and sometimes expect worm outside,so may see live worm in animal feces

vermicide:drugs kill worm and expelled by intestine tract movement

antinematode (round worm)

*plant origin drugs against round worm

1-(nicotine sulphate)

nicotine sulphate obtained from tobacco plant.

mode of action :    nicotine sulphate inhibiting to nicotine receptors at the neuromuscular junction resulting in muscular paralysis  due to persistent depolarization in round worm.
nicotine sulphate increase the motility of which expels the live worm (vermifuge)

it is effective against ascaris round worm ,trichostrongylus spp round worm  in ruminant.

2-(chenopodium oil)

as nicotine sulphate in action
 inhibiting to nicotine receptors at the neuromuscular junctionresulting in muscular paralysis  due to persistent depolarization in round worm.
 increase the motility of which expels the live worm (vermifuge)

3-(santonine )

contain an irritant alkaloid which irritates and stimulate intestine and round  worm resulting in expelling round worm outside body.
it is effective against ascaris in dog and cat.

*synthetic against round worm


piprazine is very important against round worm, given by month in the form acetate,citrate,phosphate or as complex with carbon disulphide against round worm.

mode of action: piprazine has a crure like action on the round worm in the gastrointestinal tract.
piprazine antagonizes acetylcholine in the muscle wall of round worm resulting in flaccid paralysis and round worm is expelled by gastrointestinal tract movement.

a single dose is sufficient but the larval form in tissue is not affected,dose must be repeated.

used in treatment ascarides in dog
treatment ascaridae and capillaria in poultry.

treatment ascarides and oxyurids in horse.

2-diethylcarbamazine citrate (banocide)

It is a piprazine derivatives, active against microfilaria.
used to ascaris in dog and cat.
used to control parasitic bronchitis in sheep and dog.

3-benzimidazoles family:

mode of action: act by conversion inside intestinal cell of round worm into methyl benzimidazole which has degenarative effect on intestinal cells of round worm.

-benzimidazoles family is larvicidal and decrease egg production. 

-they are teratogenic so it is contraindicated in pregnant animal.


-against bacteria,against round worm , against fungi

-larvicidal ,act by inhibiting egg production.

-it is effective against strongyloidea ,ascaridea,trichinelloidea especially in sheep , goat and horse.

-used in treatment gastrointestinal round worm.

-no has residual activity
-given in repeated dose every six weeks during summer and spring (season of activity of round worm.

-it prevents development immunity.

b)fenendazole (panacure) 

fenbendazole(panacur) is broad spectrum anti round worm .
enbendazole(panacur) is against gastrointestinal tract round worn and bronchial round worm in goat sheep and calves.
used against round worm in horse, cattle , dog , cats

must be given  for consecutive 3 days.


mebendazole broad spectrum in controlling internal parasite in  dogs and horse.

note: not effective against  (dipylidium caninum).

withdrawal period of mebendazole  : 7 days.


oxibendazole is effective against gastrointestinal round worm and lung worm.

 withdrawal time of oxibendazole  : 10  days.

dose of oxibendazole  : cattle , horse 10 mg /kg            sheep ,goat 5 mg /kg

e) albendazole

albendazole is vermicidal , against round worm ,tape worm and flukes 
.albendazole is broad spectrum anthelemintics

withdrawal time of albendazole :  10-14 days

dose of albendazole: 5 mg /kg in sheep and horse     7.5 mg /kg in cattle


oxfenbendazole is broad spectrum anthelemintics drug used against tape worm and round worm.

withdrawal time of oxfenbendazole  : 14 days 


 withdrawal time of cambendazole : 21 days 

note : cambendazole cause death to cattle in large dose.

dose of cambendazole : 20 mg /kg in cattle sheep horse

h)trichlabendazole (iradix  -  fasinex  are trade name)

trichlabendazole is very potent against fasciola hepatica

withdrawal time of trichlabendazole  : 28 days 

trichlabendazole  should not be given to milking animals.

dose of trichlabendazole : 10 mg / kg in sheep goat cattle

i)flubendazole (flubenol)

flubendazole used in poultry for gastrointestinal round worm and lung worm

flubendazole is used in pig only for round worm

withdrawal time of flubendazole  :  14 days 

flubendazole is very safe even in high concentration because flubendazole is low absorption

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