Monday, October 5, 2020

Poultry probiotics-

poultry probiotics

 A poultry probiotic 

Probiotics , or beneficial bacteria , for chickens and other avian species are commonly added to poultry feed or drinking water in order to help support birds’health , performance and growth.

This is particularly important in young animals in which stable intestinal bacteria have not yet been established . By adding probiotic to feed or water, the intestine is populated with beneficial bacteria avoiding or decreasing the extent of pathogen colonization.

Types of commercial probiotic for chickens include :

Single strain .
Multi-strain .
Multi-strain / multi species.
Synbiotics ( prebiotics + probiotic )

There are also  a few multi-genus products available , but due to complexity of cultivation and stabilization , these products are rare .

Probiotics for chickens , turkey and other avian species can speed up maturation of day old chicks’developing immune system and can be applied throughout a bird’s life in order to support gut health.

Definition of poultry probiotic :

Live microorganism causing no pathological disorders , promoting  enteric microbiota balance ,and optimizing function of enteric epithelia and mucosal immunity , which is an important first line of defense against the intrusion of enteric pathogens.

Prebiotics  can be added together with probiotics or alone inorder to promote survivability of beneficial bacteria .

Synbiotics definition :

Compounds are composed of prebiotics and probiotics that work synergistically , these compounds together benefit from each other and enhance their biological activity .
Synbiotics can be a useful scientific development to diminish the impact of common gastric issues  that impair birds’performance  and to reduce using antibiotics as growth promoters or even the frequency of antibiotic treatments .

Probiotics :

Bacillus  subtilis , bucillus licheninformis.

Lactobacillus acidophilus , lactobacillus bulgaricus , lactobacilus reuteri , lactobacillus  salvarus , lactobacillus sobrius .

Enterococcus  faecium .

Bifidobacterium animalis , bifidobacterium bifidum .

Pediococcus acidilactici .

Clostridium butyricum.

Streptococcus thermophilus .

Most commercial probiotic products fall into two major categories .
1- Sporulated bacillus spp.

2- lactic acid producing bacteria .

Sporulated bacillus spp  , both single and multi species , remain in the lumen or outer mucous layer and are shown in dark green .

Lactic acid producing bacteria shown in light green , depending on  their origins and mucous attaching capabilities , are either able to colonize the firmly attached mucous  and the underlying epithelial wall itself  like most bifidobacterium animalis strains or  they are transient organisms like most lactobacillus acidophilus strains .

Lactic acid producing bacteria ( LAB ), for example lactobacillus spp , pediococcus spp and enterococcus spp , can be derived from various sources , which may not be particularly  poultry. 

This may have an impact on the ability of the individual bacteria species to adhere to the firmly attached mucous layer  and intestinal cell  lining  ,and therefore reducinthe ability of the bacteria to competitively exclude pathogenic bacteria from attachment sites .

This attachment is important for early developing of the immune system as it is a time  when system is being imprinted in regard to its function.

With presence 70 % of the immune system  in the intestine of chickens , rapid development of  this system is important to future gut health of the bird .

The success of a poultry prebiotic relies on 2 factors :

Being indigestible to pathogenic bacteria but able to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria such as bifidobacterium and lactobacillus.

Being able to restrict growth and colonization of pathogenic bacteria.

The process of restricting pathogens while favoring beneficial bacteria is known as competitive exclusion, often abbreviated to CE.

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